01.02.2021 — 30.06.2024
Automatisierte Resilienz und sichere Netze für kritische Infrastrukturen und Unternehmen – AI-NET-PROTECT-; Teilvorhaben: Photonisches integriertes System für optisch neuromorphe Netzwerküberwachung
Förderer Funding Agency: BMBF
Förderkennzeichen Grant ID: 16KIS1291
Accellerating digital transformation in Europe by Intelligent NETwork automation – Providing Resilient & secure networks [Operating on Trusted Equipment] to CriTical infrastructures
The »AI-NET-PROTECT« project is concerned with providing automated resilience and secure networks on trusted devices for critical infrastructures and enterprises. This means taking measures to prevent total failure of these networks and infrastructures. The goal of the project is to ensure the protection of critical data, high performance in terms of key performance parameters (such as latency, throughput, availability), and high robustness of the network infrastructure (e.g., against manipulation and attacks). These are primarily private networks for the secure site networking of large corporate customers.