EuroNanoForum 2017 – AMO at this years NMWP.NRW joint exhibtion booth
AMO GmbH presented itself as a strong partner and pathfinder for key enabling technologies at the joint exhibtion booth of the North Rhine-Westphalian cluster NMWP.NRW (NanoMicroMaterialsPhotonics.NRW e.V.). AMO takes part at EuroNanoForum for the second time. Further booth partners are CeNTech GmbH and Nanobay GmbH.
EuroNanoForum 2017 is one of the most important events in the European nanotechnology sector for representatives from industry, science and politics. This year the forum takes place in Valetta, Malta from June 21-23, 2017. Besides more than 70 scientific talks, an accompanying exhibtion take place with 40 exhibitors active in the wide range of nanotechnology, presenting their products and services to the public.
The joint booth with a total of 4 booth partners was organized by NanoMicroMaterialsPhotonics. NRW. NMWP is supporting their partners from industry and science in developping new ideas, projects and partnerships in the area of nanotechnology, microsystems technology, materials and photonics. Supporting the dialogue between the single actors, the realization of specific projects and partnerships as well as a stronger visibility of the four future technologies towards the general public in NRW and beyond are further important goals.
As a provider of research services in application oriented research and development, focused on nanoelectronics, nanophotonics and biotechnology applications, AMO is founding member of Johannes-Rau-Forschungsgemeinschaft (JRF). JRF is an umbrella organization for 15 legally independent, non-profit, non-university research facilities with more than 1.200 employees in Northrhine-Westfalia and a turnover of 80 million Euro. A JRF membership requires excellent research and progress topics as well as the fulfilment of uniform quality standards. The joint tasks of JRF include the support of young researchers, public relations activities as well as the evaluation of all member institutes on a regular base.