AMO contributed at NIL Industrial Day in Vienna and will organize the next NIL Industrial Day 2019 in Aachen
AMO GmbH contributed again this year at NIL Industrial Day with a conference presentation as well as an exhibition booth.
With a wide-ranging conference presentation Florian Schlachter was able to give a comprehensive overview of AMOs current technology portfolio, its cleanroom infrastructure as well as its specific competences in developing customer specific Nanoimprint Lithography (NIL) based process solutions. This once again generated great interest among many conference attendees this year. In particular, attendees from the automotive area had a strong interest in the integration of nanostructures into injection molds, a technology AMO is developing within a European research project (SUN-Pilot, EC Horizon 2020 program, The longstanding expertise of AMO in the area of nanoimprint is used for the optimization of innovative structuring processes for integration of functional nanostructures into injection molds.
The AMO exhibition booth accompanying the conference was able to give a comprehensive overview about AMOs foundry services to potential clients and partners. In particular, in the area of UV-NIL AMO was perceived as a very experienced partner being able to offer the whole process chain to its customers, beginning with the design and stamp fabrication to the real imprint process.
The NIL Industrial Day is an industry oriented conference bringing together researchers, material and equipment manufacturers as well as process experts on the one site with users and industry on the other site for a constructive dialogue. The aim is the application of Nanoimprint Lithography as a potential manufacturing method for diverse new as well as established products. Besides the improvement of existing manufacturing processes the realization of new innovative ideas is focused.
AMO is proud to bring the conference to North Rhine-Westphalia next year.
North Rhine-Westphalia excels by its diverse education- and research environment and as an innovation pioneer and growth engine it possesses an excellent mix of strong industrial networks, innovative suppliers and modern service providers. As in Vienna the event attracted significant interest from participants from research and industry, especially those from young enterprises, North Rhine-Westphalia, as an attractive innovation center, offers the ideal event location to still further strengthen the dialogue between scientists and entrepreneurs.
NIL Industrial Day 2019 hosted by AMO GmbH will take place in Aachen on March 28 – 29. Further information as well as registration will be able soon on the conference website
Save the Date-Flyer: NILID_2019.amo