A visiting scientist from Ghana at AMO and ELD
AMO GmbH and RWTH Aachen University warmly welcome Prof. Emmanuel Nyankson, who will spend a five months research stay in Aachen, supported by a fellowship of the Advanced Research Opportunities Program (AROP) of RWTH Aachen University.
Emmanuel Nyankson is associate Professor at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, of University of Ghana. He has worked as a postdoctoral fellow at Virginia Commonwealth University in the USA and Cambridge University in the UK. His research interests include the synthesis of nanostructured photocatalysts for environmental and energy applications, in particular for water treatment and oil-spill remediation, as well as for the production of H2 through photocatalytic water splitting.
At RWTH, Prof. Nyankson will be hosted by the Chair of Electronic Devices (ELD), headed by Prof. Max Lemme. Furthermore, he will work in close collaboration with the group of Dr. Ulrich Plachetka at AMO, who is leading several projects on photocatalytic water-treatment and solar-fuels production, such as the projects PEPcat and ACOMAT. In particular, Prof. Nyankson will make use of the expertize and of the advanced fabrication and characterization possibilities offered by AMO and ELD, to investigate how to combine nanoparticles and plasmonic surfaces to enhance the synthesis of H2 with solar power.
Beyond the scientific goals, Prof. Nyankson’s research stay contributes to the internationalization strategy of RWTH Aachen University, which has identified Ghana as a country of strategic relevance.
The aim is to build Prof. Nyankson’s stay and to utilize appropriate third party funding from organizations such as BMBF, DAAD, DFG, the MKW NRW, or the European Union, to establish further cooperation in research and teaching with the University of Ghana.