INFRACHIP – An EU initiative to grant user access to state-of-the-art cleanroom facilities

Do you have an idea for a new high-tech product but lack the in-house technology to develop a prototype? INFRACHIP could be the solution you are looking for!

INFRACHIP is an initiative funded by the European Union to finance user access to state-of-the-art cleanroom facilities distributed all over Europe, supporting pathfinding research in semiconductor technology.  AMO GmbH is one of the 11 facilities involved in the initiative.

Researchers from industry and academia who are lacking in-house access to certain technologies can apply for INFRACHIP support in a simple and unbureaucratic way. Different forms of access can be requested and funded – from access to a specific tool or process, to prototype development and testing. Users can either send their chip to one of the INFRACHIP facilities to have it processed or visit the facility in person to do the development. All costs will be covered by INFRACHIP itself.

The portfolio of technologies offered by INFRACHIP cover the areas of

  • POWER (Energy autonomy | Power electronics | PMU design)
  • SENSE (Advance sensing | Stretchable and flexible sensors | Photonic sensing)
  • SUSTAIN (Green Electronics & Substrates | Green Sensors | Hybrid SiP/SoC)
  • THINK (Quantum and spin device engineering |Component for neuromorphic computing)
  • CONNECT (RF components | RF front-end design | Short-range optical communication)

AMO is involved specifically in the three pillars SENSE, THINK and CONNECT, offering its expertise in the development of components for advance sensing and neuromorphic computing, as well as RF components and RF front-end design.

Technology transfer is a central part of AMO’s mission: the know-how and the technologies developed tin the research projects is also used to develop tailored solutions for external customers. With INFRACHIP, this process is going to be entirely free of charge for the customers.  What characterizes AMO as service provider are flexibility, a short feedback loop with our customers, and a broad range of different solutions.

Together with AMO, the other facilities involved in INFRACHIP are Tyndall National Institute in Ireland, which  is also coordinating the initiative,  the Hellenic Mediterranean University Research Center and the National Center for Scientific Research Demokritos in Greece, the Federation for Micro and Nanotechnology in France, UNINOVA and the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory in Portugal, Joanneum Research in Austria, Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden, and Politechnika Warszawska and CEZAMAT in Poland.

One of the few limitations of the initiative is the Transnational Access rule, which means that applicants based in a country are not allowed to gain access through INFRACHIP to a facility located in the same country.

More information about the INFRACHIP initiative can be found at

To learn more about the technologies AMO offers, don’t hesitate to contact our team!

Dipl.-Ing. Herbert Kleinjans

Head of Services, Operations & Communications (COO)

Dr. Gordon Rinke

Deputy Group Leader - Graphene Electronics