Entries by Ghassan Soufan

AMO, CNST and RWTH develop monolithically integrated CMOS compatible perovskite lasers with record low thresholds

Researchers of AMO GmbH and RWTH Aachen University together with colleagues from Center for Nanoscience and Technology (a division of Italian Institute of Technology) have recently developed perovskite microdisc lasers integrated into silicon nitride photonic circuits. This optically pumped lasers have thresholds of 4.7 µJcm-2 surpassing the thresholds of other CMOS compatible lasers. These results […]

NanoMikroWerkstoffePhotonik (Nano Micro Materials Photonics) – Key technologies from North Rhine-Westphalia.

In a cutting-edge industrialised state like North Rhine-Westphalia, key technologies, such as nanotechnology, microsystems technology, photonics and the broad field of new materials, are of particular importance. Their importance lies in the fact that they form the basis for innovations and new products and provide complex answers to the challenges of our time. 70% of […]

AMO grants students insight into the exciting working field of nanotechnology

AMO has been supporting young scientists for many years and already gives students the opportunity to get an idea of the future occupational field of nanotechnology on site. Last week a group of students of the Gustav Heinemann comprehensive school from Alsdorf near Aachen visited AMO with a total of 30 students.

AMO joins Silicon Photonics alliance ePIXfab

This month AMO’s R&D foundry services joint ePIXfab – the European Silicon Photonics Alliance. The mission statement of ePIXfab is the promotion of silicon photonics science, technology and applications. ePIXfab represents the European silicon photonics community, organizes training activities, creates opportunities for collaborative research projects and defines technology road maps. It started as a technology […]

Successful participation in the project HIPERDIAS

AMO GmbH takes part in the H2020-project HIPERDIAS (HIgh throughPut LasER processing of DIamond And Silicon). Aim of this project is the demonstration of laser-based high throughput manufacturing based upon high power sub-1ps lasers with high repetition rate.

First integrated perovskite laser developed

The first integrated perovskite laser which has been fabricated by AMO in collaboration with IIT, Center for Nano Science and Technology, Milan has been published recently in Optics Express. It is the first lasing perovskite device which has been integrated on a high throughput silicon nitride photonic fabrication platform.

Graphene enables the most sensitive flexible Hall sensors

Researchers from AMO GmbH recently demonstrated a graphene based ultrathin and fully flexible Hall sensor device. The sensitivity is the highest for any flexible Hall sensor and competes with the established silicon based sensors. The demonstration at this year’s Mobile World Congress in Barcelona attracted wide interest from the industry around the world, because flexibility […]

Graphene Pavilion at the Mobile World Congress

The Graphene Flagship, the EU’s biggest ever research initiative, is excited to present the inaugural Graphene Pavilion at the 2016 Mobile World Congress (MWC), the world’s largest gathering for the mobile industry with over 100,000 attendees and 2000 exhibitors, 22-25 February 2016 in Barcelona, Spain. The Graphene Pavilion will be a unique space to explore […]