Author Archive for: Dipl.-Kff. Maike Meyer-Amjadi

About Maike Meyer-Amjadi
Technology Marketing & PR
Entries by Maike Meyer-Amjadi
Aachen climate-neutral 2030 – We are part of it!
The city of Aachen has set itself the goal of becoming climate neutral by 2030. A livable Aachen concerns us all. And the change begins with us. AMO supports the Aachen Climate City Agreement with a Letter of Intent and, together with more than 100 other local players, is taking responsibility for the common goal: […]
AMO says no to discrimination
AMO GmbH takes a clear stance against racism and discrimination of any kind. Diversity, tolerance and open-mindedness are part of our core values. We wholeheartedly endorse the statement against racism and discrimination of the Alliance of Science Organisations (Allianz der Wissenschaftsorganisationen). An open society and a strong democracy build the foundation for our future. We […]
Girls’ Day at AMO leaves a lasting impression on 11 young girls
Today, 11 interested and motivated girls visited AMO to get to know the heart of the Aachen-based research company: the so-called cleanroom. Here, they were able to look over the shoulders of AMO researchers and perhaps understand a little better how the boundaries between physics, chemistry, biology, and medicine become blurred in these small dimensions […]
Semiconductors for AI: Innovation Technology for Companies in the Rhineland Territory
This event taking place in Aachen on May 5, 2023 is organized jointly by the agency Zukunftsagentur Rheinisches Revier (Rhineland Territory) together withthe BMBF funded NeuroSys Cluster4Future (Neuromorphic Hardware for Autonomous Artificial Intelligence Systems), coordinated by Prof. Max Lemme, RWTH Aachen University as well as the BMBF funded project NEUROTEC (Neuro-inspired artificial intelligence technologies), coordination […]
nanovate! – Online just in time for the end of the year
Just in time for the end of the year, the latest issue of nanovate! is online. The magazine gives an overview of the employees and their successful project work of the past half year. AMO would like to thank you for the trustful cooperation in the past year and wishes you and your families a merry […]
Learning From the Brain to Save Energy
AMO GmbH is cooperating with Forschungszentrum Jülich and RWTH Aachen University scientists, as well as with several companies from the region in two major BMBF-funded project, NEUROTEC and NeuroSys, which have the goal of establishing a technological base for neuro-inspired AI hardware made in Europe. Now, having met at the Jülich-Aachen Neuromorphic Computing Day held […]
“Girls’ Day” finally back in presence
After a two-year break due to the pandemic, the Girls’ Day could finally take place again in presence. AMO took this opportunity to introduce seven young girls to the broad field of nanotechnology.
The new AMO magazine nanovate! is online
The new nanovate! is online. In times of COVID-19, AMO comes out in digital glory. The new AMO magazine nanovate! is online in time for the end of the year, providing overview of AMO’s research activities and concepts from the past six months.
AMO virtual exhibition-booth at the Electrical Engineering Day of RWTH Aachen University
AMO GmbH has successfully completed its first virtual trade-fair appearances. On November 13, the Electrical Engineering Day of RWTH Aachen University offered graduates and students the opportunity to inform themselves about various companies and to establish important contacts with potential employers.