AMO demonstrates ultrafast Graphene based photodetectors with data rates up to 50 GBit/s

In cooperation with Alcatel Lucent Bell Labs researcher from AMO realized the worldwide fastest Graphene based photodetectors. By demonstrating a maximum data rate of 50 GBit/s a new record level could be reached, pushing this technology closer to applications.

AMO presented its research activities within the PhoxTroT project at CLEO 2014 conference

AMO took the advantage of the CLEO event to present its innovation platform in the area of nanophotonics. Within the large-scale research project PhoxTroT with a strong focus on high level, low-energy and cost efficient small optical interconnects for data center  AMO develops optical terabit transmitter and active optical cables in silicon photonics.

Mellanox Technologies joins MIRAGE

Today, the European Commission’s MIRAGE project on next generation optical interconnects announced that Mellanox Technologies Ltd has joined its consortium. The three-year research program aims to develop breakthrough photonic integration technology enabling terabit capacities in optical interconnect links.

Foundation of Johannes-Rau-Forschungsgemeinschaft

AMO GmbH is one of 13 non-university NRW research institutions of the “Johannes-Rau-Forschungsgemeinschaft”. On April 2, 2014 the “Johannes-Rau-Forschungsgemeinschaft” (JRF) has been founded with a ceremonial act in “Villa Horion” in Düsseldorf. AMO is one of the scientific members.

New AMO GmbH spin-off officially founded

Research as a key to new technological solutions – this has always been one of the main directions of AMO. Now a further technology-transfer milestone has been set from the range of terahertz research.

Successful Kick-Off of Horizon 2020

On January 28th and 29th 2014 the national kick-off event of the BMBF for Horizon 2020, the actual framework program of the European Union, took place in the Berlin Congress Center (BCC). At this event, AMO GmbH presented an exhibition of the FET Flagship project Graphene.


AMO with its long term experience in CMOS technology stands prepared for prototyping MEMS (MicroElectroMechanical Systems) to NEMS (NanoElectroMechanical Systems) and transforming innovation as a partner for the MEMS sector.

20 years AMO GmbH – anniversary brochure

On the occasion of its 20th anniversary AMO GmbH released a special anniversary brochure which offers an overview of AMO’s history and milestones. You can download the brochure here: AMO Broschure If you wish to receive a printed copy of the AMO brochure just send us a short e-mail.