Toward new endeavors

AMO and the Chair of Electronic Devices (ELD) warmly congratulate Dr. Michael Hornung, Prof. Surendra Anantharaman, Dr. Damian Dudek, and Prof. Alwin Daus for the next steps in their professional careers. Since the beginning of the year, there has been a rush of big announcements and changes at AMO.  In January, Dr. Michael Hornung has […]

Strong presence at the 10th NRW Nano Conference

AMO GmbH made a notable contribution to the 10th NRW Nano Conference, which took place on May 23rd and 24th in Dortmund.  The conference is recognized as the largest German nanotechnology event with international appeal. AMO took full advantage of this prestigious platform to showcase its cutting-edge research and advances. This year’s NRW Nano Conference […]

Conduction and switching mechanisms in boron-nitride threshold memristors with nickel electrodes

Researchers from RWTH Aachen University, AMO GmbH and Research Center Jülich have performed a detailed study of hBN based threshold memristors with nickel electrodes. Analyzing temperature-dependent transport measurements and high-resolution TEM images, they propose the formation and retraction of nickel filaments along boron defect in the h-BN film as the resistive switching mechanism. The study […]

Nanodiag BW: towards a new generation of biosensors based on nanopores

Nanopores are channels with molecular dimensions. Used in biosensors, they can be used to characterize and distinguish individual molecules. The Cluster nanodiag BW has received major funding from the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research within the “Cluster4Future” initiative, with the goal of advancing nanopore technology for identifying epigenetic factors that influence diseases. AMO […]

Intelligence at the edge (i-EDGE): €4.5M project to build hardware platform for edge computing using nanomechanical relays

A consortium from industry and academia has been awarded €4.5M by the EU, UK and Switzerland to build a next-generation hardware platform for edge computing using nanomechanical relays. Computing at the edge of the network instead of transferring data to the cloud for processing can greatly improve efficiency, improve data security and reduce energy consumption. […]

Congratulations to Rijil Thomas!

On March 1, 2023, Dr. Rijil Thomas has been promoted deputy head of the Nanophotonics Group at AMO.  “I am very happy about this opportunity,” says Rijil, “as it allows me to dig into my passion for photonics and nanophotonics, and to explore future-looking directions such as quantum technologies and neuromorphic computing, where we have […]

FreeHydroCells: looking for a breakthrough in solar hydrogen fuel generation

Converting solar energy into chemical energy is something where plants excel, and technology still struggles. In the EU-funded project FreeHydroCells, AMO GmbH and partners aim to overcome the limitations of today’s approaches to synthetize hydrogen fuel by solar energy absorption. This could potentially represent a viable, and environmentally friendly alternative to fossil fuels. The sun […]

Semiconductors for AI: Innovation Technology for Companies in the Rhineland Territory

This event taking place in Aachen on May 5, 2023 is organized jointly by the agency Zukunftsagentur Rheinisches Revier (Rhineland Territory) together withthe BMBF funded NeuroSys Cluster4Future (Neuromorphic Hardware for Autonomous Artificial Intelligence Systems), coordinated by Prof. Max Lemme, RWTH Aachen University as well as the BMBF funded project NEUROTEC (Neuro-inspired artificial intelligence technologies), coordination […]

nanovate! – Online just in time for the end of the year

Just in time for the end of the year, the latest issue of nanovate! is online. The magazine gives an overview of the employees and their successful project work of the past half year. AMO would like to thank you for the trustful cooperation in the past year and wishes you and your families a merry […]

Against food frauds with quantum sensor-technology

Can quantum mechanics be used to the benefit of consumers in supermarkets and restaurants? AMO GmbH and partners are setting out to demonstrate this in the BMBF-funded project “QSPEC – Quantum sensor for improved detection of authenticity and ingredients of food products”.