Sputtered aluminum nitride waveguides achieve record low propagation loss in telecom spectrum

A collaboration between AMO GmbH and Fraunhofer IAF demonstrates the potential of sputtered aluminum nitride for photonic applications in the telecom spectrum. Aluminum nitride (AlN) is emerging as an outstanding material for photonic waveguide applications. The best results to date have been achieved with AlN grown by metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD), while sputtered […]

Schematische Darstellung des elektronenstrahlinduzierten reversiblen Phasenübergangs in Gadolinium-dotiertem Cerdioxid.

Inducing and observing reversible phase-transitions in ceria with picometer resolution

Using cutting-edge transmission electron microscopy (TEM) techniques, researchers from RWTH Aachen University, Forschungszentrum Jülich and AMO GmbH have revealed unprecedented details about the reversible phase transition of ceria – a material that holds huge potential for catalytic applications, energy generation, as well as for memristive devices – showing that this can be precisely manipulated with […]

Examples of arrays of suspended graphene membranes over closed cavities realized with the method developed by Lukas and coworkers. The membranes are analyzed with an automated SEM tool. Intact membranes are highlighted in green, broken membranes in red.

High-yield fabrication of suspended graphene membranes

Researchers from the Chair for Electronic Devices at RWTH and at AMO GmbH have demonstrated a method for fabricating large-scale arrays of micro cavities sealed by graphene membranes with high yield. High mechanical strength, extreme thinness and exceptional hermeticity make graphene an ideal material for the realisation of micro- and nanoelectromechanical systems based on suspended […]

A scalable method to reduce the contact resistance of graphene

The exceptional electronic properties of graphene make it a material with large potential for low-power, high-frequency electronics. However, the performance of a graphene-based device depends not only on the properties of the graphene itself, but also on the quality of its metal contacts. The lack of effective and manufacturable approaches to establish good ohmic contacts […]

A graphene-based infrared emitter for integrated photonic gas sensors

Researcher at AMO GmbH, RWTH Aachen University, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Senseair AB and the University of Bundeswehr have successfully developed a waveguide-integrated incandescent thermal mid-infrared  emitter using graphene as the active material. This innovative approach significantly enhances the efficiency, compactness, and reliability of gas sensor systems, paving the way for widespread application across […]

A scalable approach for MoS 2-field-effect transistors with low contact resistance

Researchers from AMO GmbH and the Chair for Electronic Devices at RWTH Aachen University have experimentally demonstrated a scalable technique for realizing field-effect transistors based on two-dimensional molybdenum disulfide (MoS2), with low contact resistance (about 9 kΩ·µm) and high on/off current ratios of 108.   The approach is based on lateral heterostructures of MoS2 and […]

A non-destructive method to probe inter-layer coupling on millimeter-scale graphene-MoS2 heterostructures

One of the great assets of two-dimensional (2D) materials is the possibility of pacing different materials on top of each other to form heterostructures with properties tailored to specific application scenarios. However, the quality of the final material stack strongly depends on the electronic coupling between the different materials. Measuring this coupling in a non-destructive […]

First demonstration of a CMOS inverter based on TMDCs on a flexible substrate

Agata Piacentini and coworkers have demonstrated the first CMOS inverter based on transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDC) on a flexible substrate, using two distinct TMDC materials, MoS2 and WSe2. The team has successfully fabricated NMOS FETs based on CVD-MoS2 and PMOS FETs based on MOCVD-WSe2 on a flexible foil substrate. The FETs exhibited almost mirror-symmetric transfer […]

New publication in Nature Communications on how to measure the adhesion of 2D materials

One of the big selling points of two-dimensional (2D) materials is their self-passivated nature, which allows them to be deposited on any substrate and opens up new possibilities for three-dimensional material stacks. The downside is their weak adhesion to the substrate, which can be a source of device instability. Quantifying the adhesion of 2D materials […]

schematics of the fabrication process of the flexible strain sensors and of their possible applications.

Towards self-healing flexible strain sensors based on graphene ink

Advanced applications such as smart patches and electronic skin have created the need for strain sensors that are not only sensitive and flexible, but also skin- and eco-friendly, and ideally self-healing, i.e. able to recover their sensing performance after damage.  A successful strategy for implementing self-healing strain sensors is to combine a polymer with good […]