AMO’s magazin
Our magazine nanovate! presents a regular overview of AMO’s research activities and developments. All issues can be downloaded here free of charge. If you would like to receive a printed copy, please send us a short request using our contact form.
nanovate! #9 | 12/2024
Digital Hardware Hub Aachen
nanovate! #8 | 08/2024
nanovate! #7 | 01/2024
Kurs auf Zukunft
nanovate! #6 | 07/2023
Focus: Anniversary
nanovate! #5 | 12/2022
Focus: food
nanovate! #4 | 06/2022
We’re in 2D now
nanovate! #3 | 12/2021
Light on chip
nanovate! #2 | 07/2021
Get the sunshine in!
nanovate! #1 | 12/2020
Mit Abstand weiter!
25th-Anniversary Brochure