PPA network chosen as example of success
Partners from research and development, equipment manufacturing and application are working together within the innovation network PPA (product- and process-security by spectroscopic analysis). Here, the focus lies on development and market launch of innovative and competitive spectrometers and detectors. Now, the PPA was decorated for its successful work within this network. The AMO GmbH is one of 21 active members of this network.
The ZIM (Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand / central innovation program for medium- sized businesses) is a nationwide support program which is unreserved concerning technology or industry for small and medium-sized businesses and cooperating research institutes linked to economic interests and has sponsored altogether 428 cooperation networks since 2008. For chosen networks, project portraits in the form of success stories are edited, hereby presenting goals and topics of the networks in compact form.
Within the network already five projects were successfully petitioned, dealing with the identification of chemical substances using light or x-rays, application of novel measurement procedures (e.g. SERS, surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy), detection of explosives (e.g. for airport security), 3D-microstructuring of glass (e.g. for sample-carrier systems) and imaging measuring methods for spatially dissolved analysis of flow fields. Technologies of the network enable, among other things, to spot on the transport of drugs to the point where they interact and take effect.